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Dating A Rich Man Reddit

Apr 11, 2018 How To Get A Rich Man. The most important way to get a rich man to be your boyfriend or husband is by understanding how they think. I must be dreaming. Most wealthy men are self-made. They may have studied hard in school, took some calculated risks, worked even harder on their ventures, and struck lucky gold. Hello, you precious gem! I'm back with another video, this time on the troubles of dating a rich girl according to Reddit.Reddit Finance is a channel that ha.

Sometimes when you’re looking for love, you’re not picky. But there are some women who have a very specific type of date in mind: rich men.

Are you looking for love with a rich man? Want to know how to meet rich men? We’ve got you covered. No matter your reason for wanting to meet a rich man, this article will teach you:

  • The best places to go to meet rich men
  • What to do if you live in a small town where rich men don’t live
  • How to search both online and in person for your dream date

Ready to find your wealthy date? Here are the 16 best places to meet rich men.

1. Online dating

Online dating is absolutely the easiest way to meet rich men. There are a lot of reasons for this. Sometimes it’s because rich men are busy and don’t have time to go to the bar or on speed dating adventures. Sometimes it’s because they want to make sure they’re anonymous – no one likes to be used for their money. Other times it’s just because it’s super convenient: swipe, swipe, match!

Go online and look for your rich date. Mind you, be careful, though. Many people online aren’t really who they claim to be. Be sure you have plenty of conversations with your prospective date, and always meet online dating prospects in a public place to stay safe.

There are many types of dating websites out there. Do a search and find one that caters specifically toward rich men. Then, make your dating profile and get on your way to meeting a rich guy!

  • Online dating is an easy way to meet rich men
  • Be careful, as your date may not be completely honest with you
  • There are dating sites specifically built for rich men

2. The airport

Gone are the days when just anyone could hang out in an airport. Heck, you ccan’t even walk your family to the airport terminal anymore. Yay for heightened security… boo for making it harder to meet rich men.

That said, you can still meet rich men at the airport. Many airports have areas outside the security checkpoints you can frequent, such as restaurants, shops and even lounges. If you know what you’re looking for, you can easily spot – and approach – a rich man at the airport. Just don’t loiter too much – that could get you in trouble.

Tips For Dating A Rich Man

  • It’s not as easy to meet rich men at the airport as it used to be
  • Many airports have lounges and restaurants that don’t require a security checkpoint
  • Be sure that you don’t look like you’re suspiciously hanging about at the airport

3. Casinos

Do you like to gamble? Even if you don’t, you can still meet rich men at casinos. You’ll instantly recognize them by their swagger, but don’t pay any mind to the amount of cash they’re spending. After all, even poor men spend a lot of casinos, even if they shouldn’t!

Rather than case the joint for the luckiest table or slot machine, case the joint for rich men. Remember to show confidence… no rich man likes a timid, insecure woman.

  • Learn to differentiate between rich men and gambling addicts throwing their money around
  • Rich men frequent casinos and won’t necessarily be spending a lot of money
  • Try the lounge at the casino for the best chance of meeting a rich man

4. Speed dating

As mentioned before, many times rich men just don’t have the time to invest in the dating scene. Therefore, you can meet many rich men at speed dating events. When you attend these events, you’re not going to have a lot of time to get to know whether your “date” is rich or not. So be sure you know what you’re looking for from the very beginning. And don’t be afraid to keep an open mind, too! Maybe the man of your dreams isn’t rich after all! You never know!

  • Many rich men don’t have a lot of time for dating
  • You should be a good judge of character to identify a rich man in speed dating
  • Keep an open mind – you might meet someone great!

5. At sporting events

Next on the list of where to meet rich men is easy: sporting events! Rich men need a little down time, too. That said, you’re not going to find rich men in the nosebleeds. You’re going to have to fork over a little cash and get good seats. You know, the ones where the rich men sit.

Sporting events aren’t just a good way to meet rich men. They’re a good way to meet any man! Go where the men are, and you’ll be more likely to meet one.

  • Rich men need to unwind, too
  • Many rich men attend sporting events
  • Wealthy men won’t be in the nosebleeds, so get a good ticket

6. Concerts

Like sporting events, you’re going to find that a lot of rich men wind down by attending concerts. But you’re going to have to think outside the box, and don’t stereotype. Not all rich men are going to be attending operas and theater events. You’ll find just as many rich men backstage at Katy Perry concerts!

Also, similarly to the sporting events, you may have to hand over a bit more of your hard earned cash to meet rich men at concerts. They’re not going to be in the upper section of the arena; they can afford better. Get the best seats you can afford and go for it!

  • Be prepared to spend a little extra for concert tickets
  • Backstage passes are a good way to meet wealthy people if you can swing it
  • It’s not just operas – don’t hesitate to go to more mainstream concerts, too!

7. Charity events

Put on your best cocktail dress and head out to your local charity event. Not all are invite-only, though some might be, so check first. It would be embarrassing to be turned away at the door. Check with your local Arts Center, university and other venues to find out what type of charity events are up and coming. Many rich men love to show their money off. Plus, there’s a bonus. You learn where to meet rich men that are also philanthropic!

  • Wealthy men love to showcase their money
  • Be sure the charity event isn’t invitation-only
  • Wealthy men who are at charity events are there to support a cause – it’s a win-win!

8. At the hospital

… But not where you might think. It’s a common misconception that doctors are rich. To the contrary, many doctors struggle with paying off college debt and are far from rich. Instead, look elsewhere. Nurses aren’t rich, by any means but they do have one thing in common: a high hourly wage and absolutely no time to spend the money they earn.

Nurses, radiologists and other hospital workers for whom medical school was not required are all likely to be able to afford to take you on vacation, buy you gorgeous jewelry and take you out to upscale restaurants. They, too, come with a bonus: they can “fix” you if you get hurt.

  • Not all doctors are rich. In fact, most are not
  • Look for the hospital workers who have high pay and long hours
  • Nurses, radiologists and even x-ray techs are all good candidates

9. At work


Now, this one takes a little finesse. It’s not recommended that you enter into a relationship with a coworker. Instead, meet a rich man in the boardroom. Be the woman who volunteers to serve coffee to meeting participants, or you could even volunteer your services as a courier.

You don’t have to work in an office to meet rich men at work, either. Work at a restaurant? Offer to cater events. Work as a janitor? Introduce yourself. You get the idea.

  • It’s never a good idea to date someone you work with, especially not a supervisor
  • You can meet rich men by volunteering at events the higher-ups are attending
  • You can meet rich men no matter where you work… be creative!

10. At hotels

This one is absolutely free. No expensive room required. However, you might get a few sideways glances from front desk staff if you’re too obvious.

Here’s how to meet rich men at a hotel. First, find an upscale hotel you think rich men might be likely to check into. Then, do your research. Does the hotel check guests’ ID for cocktail hour? Do they require a pass for the pool? How about the fitness room? Does the hotel have an on-site restaurant?

Find out what amenities the hotel offers, then take advantage! You certainly don’t want to just hang out in the hotel lobby. That’s likely to get you in the back seat of a police car. The easiest way to meet rich men at hotels is by visiting the on-site restaurant or bar.

  • Rich men often check into upscale hotels, so choose a few you like
  • Do your research and be sure there are common places you can frequent like bars
  • Do not hang around the hotel lobby unless you want a loitering arrest on your record

11. At hotels, but in a different way

If you’re game, you can find rich men at hotels in a slightly different way: by working there.

Apply for positions as front desk clerk, hotel bar staff, restaurant staff or room service. Housekeepers generally don’t come into contact with guests, so that’s not your best bet. But other options are nearly endless. Pool staff? Sure! Bellhop? Yep! See what’s available and go for it!

  • You can meet rich men by working at a hotel
  • Housekeepers don’t generally work with guests face to face, so best not to start there
  • Bellhop, bar staff, front desk and pool help are all great options

12. On vacation

Now, this one isn’t a terrific option if you’re looking for a long term thing. Long distance relationships rarely work, and you might find yourself disappointed.

Dating A Rich Man Reddit Youtube

However, if you’re just looking for a fling with a rich man, you can absolutely do that on vacation. You’ll meet rich men on the plane if you book first class. You’ll find them in the hotel where you’re staying. You don’t have to book the suite – he’s already done that. Just find a room within your budget and reserve it. You’ll find rich men at tourist attractions, on the beach, at the pool, at the poolside bar… you name it. Vacation is a great place to meet rich men, whether it’s Venice or Vegas.

  • Meeting rich men on vacation doesn’t guarantee a long term relationship
  • You’ll find wealthy dates in many places while you travel
  • Remember that this is likely a short term thing – don’t get your heart broken

13. In the courtroom

Just like doctors, not all lawyers are rich. However, there are many more rich lawyers than there are rich doctors. You’ve just got to know what to look for.

First, it’s definitely not recommended that you get yourself in legal trouble just to find yourself a rich lawyer. Instead, find the attorneys who make money and approach them when you see that they’re available. Avoid public defenders – they do too much work for too little pay. Instead, keep an eye out for attorneys who specialize in fields like medical malpractice or personal injury. Those guys get paid.

  • There are lawyers who aren’t rich and are still paying off college debt
  • Public defenders aren’t generally wealthy either
  • Look for lawyers who specialize in lucrative areas like personal injury

14. Through your friends

Sometimes the best solution is the easiest solution. Do your friends know rich men? Maybe they’re friends with them, or maybe they’re just friendly with the company’s CFO. Ask! You can’t ever know unless you ask!

Keep one thing in mind, though. If your friend knows a rich man, great. But you’d better have a darn good reason for wanting to be introduced. They’re not just going to hand off their rich friends to you if they feel you’re only interested in money.

Have a good reason. “I want to meet someone inspiring.” “I want to meet someone who’s had a successful career path.” Be creative, but be honest. People can spot a gold digger from a mile away.

  • Your friends may know wealthy men, but you won’t know unless you ask
  • Have a reason to give to your friend as to why you want to meet a rich person
  • Be honest about that reason – people can judge insincerity very easily

15. At networking events

Think about an industry that many rich men may work in. Aviation management? Shipping and transport? Use your imagination – whatever floats your boat. Then, do a little research. What type of industry events are held for these people to network?

Most industries have annual or semi-annual conferences that the higher-ups attend to network with others in the field. Why not attend? If you can’t attend, you can always choose to work the events, whether it’s passing out champagne or just ensuring that each guest is comfortable.

You’ll definitely have to do some research into the field you’re interested in. But if you’ve always wanted to be, for instance, the wife of an information technology CEO, well, there you go!

  • Many rich men attend networking events annually or semi-annually
  • These events usually charge a fee to attend, but they do hire others to work
  • Do your research before you go and find an event that the higher-ups are likely to appear at

16. In your own hometown

Free Rich Men Dating Sites

Ask yourself, “What do I mean by rich?” Do you mean a man who’s got money practically spilling out his ears? Do you mean a man who’s inherited a fortune from his Great Aunt Sue? Or do you just mean a man who has worked hard to achieve the financial freedom to have a retirement fund, enough money left after the bills to spend on pleasure and who isn’t elbow deep in debt?

Think about what you want, then think about why you want it. Once you evaluate what you really want, you may find that your dream mate is actually that boy next door you went to high school with. Open your mind and evaluate what you’re looking for. Then, don’t be afraid to look a little closer to home.

  • “Rich” doesn’t necessarily mean swimming in a large pool filled with hundred dollar bills
  • The wealthy man you’re looking for could very well be the guy just down the road
  • Know what you’re looking for and why you want it, then open your mind to more local possibilities


Do you want to know where to meet rich men? Well, there’s good news! You can meet wealthy men locally, internationally or even online! Use your imagination and a bit of common sense, and don’t be afraid to open your mind a bit! Your dream man might be across the ocean or he might be right down the road.

Dating a rich man is something almost every girl’s dream. Girls always want to date a millionaire and there could be a plenty of different reasons for it. We know that finding a perfect match is not an easy work all the time. The perfection means that everything including good status, healthy physic, confidence and maturity as well as, of course, a considerable bank balance. It doesn’t matter if a girl is rich or not, if she has a lot of bank balance and has a great family status, she will always like to date a rich man. When it comes to money, some other qualities don’t matter in some cases. The reason is money can buy almost every quality in a person. However, not every girl finds a rich man to date because it is not an easy job and not every man is rich. By the way, this is a sure thing that a girl who is dating a rich man would have much more benefits than the girl who is dating a normal guy. Here are some of the most considerable reasons of this.

A luxurious class

A wealthy man always has a luxury lifestyle. He wears expensive brands, eats good and healthy foods and his environment is a high-class environment. When you date such man, he will provide every facility to you that he is currently utilizing and no girl will refuse to get a luxury lifestyle. Oppositely, if you are rich too, you will find a perfect match that is much better than any other relation.

Forget money limitations

A rich man can give his girl any product, any facility and anything that she really wants. If you date a rich man, you will surely have what you are looking for now because he pays for you every time. It means you will be fearless of your budget while shopping, while eating and while purchasing some branded stuff. He will always pay for you and that’s a good thing in a relation.

Your parents will not refuse

When you will date a rich man, you will not have any problem from your parents. They will see a guy will good status, healthy body and good financial status and they will not cause any problems in your relation. As every mom’s dream is to find a perfect guy for her daughter, she will always wish to have a rich man instead of a normal person. Another reason for this thing is rich men are more conscious of taking care of themselves and their loved ones as compared to other guys.

A good future

The main reason of dating a rich man is secure future. Most of the girls are worried about their future. The reason is every girl wants a safe future with a perfect guy and you can only achieve this if you date a rich man. A rich man will provide you enough facilities that will remove all your fears and worries about your future.