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Dating Apps For Girls

'I call big spoon. Is that gonna be a problem?'

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Dating Apps for Finding a Girlfriend For many, the goal of dating online is finding a girlfriend. Chances are if you’re here, you’re looking for a way to find that special lady to spend time with, go on trips with, make memories with, and fall asleep on the phone with.

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  • For women, online dating can feel like a bit of a minefield. From receiving unsolicited pics and messages to being harassed or verbally abused on dating apps, the world of online dating sometimes.

It goes without saying that your opening line has the potential to make or break a match on a dating app. If you totally knock it out of the park with a cute or clever opener, you can not only land a date, but also spark some flirtatious vibes from the get-go. No pressure or anything, right? If you're feeling uninspired (or just tired of using the same ol' conversation starters), fret not: There are a slew of opening lines to use on dating apps that will make a stellar first impression.

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There's an art to crafting the best opening lines. For one, you want to be yourself — that's the only way to tell if you have a genuine connection with someone. It's also a good idea to scope their profile and look for little tidbits worth commenting on, like the fact that they traveled somewhere that's on your wanderlust wishlist, or have an interesting tattoo. Be on the lookout for anything you have in common — if you both majored in child psychology, quoted Dwight Schrute, or live for folk-rock music, those are all things you can point out in smooth opening lines.

Ultimately, a winning first message is unique, easy to respond to, and makes the recipient smile, laugh, or smirk (or some combination of the three). Here are a few good opening lines that are bound to stand out in a sea of matches and messages.

  • 'Pop quiz: What are your thoughts on pineapple pizza? No pressure, but this could seal our fate.'
  • 'I think there's something wrong with my phone... because I can't find your number in it.'
  • '[Insert GIF of the Titanic splitting in half] An icebreaker. There, I did the thing.'
  • 'In case you were wondering, dad jokes are the way to my heart. Anddd fire away! The cornier, the better.'
  • 'Two truths and one lie — go. Fair warning: I'm pretty good at this.'
  • 'Looking for the Jim to my Pam... know anyone who might be interested?'
  • 'I have this rule where I only talk to strangers on the Internet about pizza. So, thin crust or deep dish?'
  • 'You can tell a lot about a person by their Netflix queue. So, what's the last thing you watched?'
  • 'I'm going to make this real easy. If you want to make me swoon, send me the best animal GIF you can find.'
  • 'Be honest: Did you swipe right for me or my fur baby?'
  • 'What size bowling shoes should I get for you? You know, for our date at the bowling alley this weekend.'
  • 'If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber.'
  • 'If you were a fruit, you'd be a fine-apple.'
  • 'When your mom told you she wanted the best for you, I'm pretty sure she was talking about me.'
  • 'My grandparents met on [insert dating app name], so I'm feeling really good about this.'
  • 'I've heard that flattery will get you everywhere, so has anyone ever told you that you look like [insert celeb's name]?'
  • 'I don't mean to brag but I happen to be really good at overthinking my dating app messages. What about you?'
  • 'Wanna send memes back and forth until we finally feel comfortable enough to meet up IRL?'
  • “I’m from the future and we need to be together because our child will achieve world peace.'
  • 'Let’s just skip to the important stuff: Chunky or smooth peanut butter?'
  • 'Sorry it took me so long to message you, I was at Trader Joe's trying to figure out what to buy you for breakfast.'
  • Serious question. Best invention: tacos or [insert dating app you matched on]?'
  • 'Here's my life story in five emojis. I'd love to hear your interpretation of that. Better yet, what's yours?'
  • 'I call big spoon. Is that gonna be a problem?'
  • 'Real talk. Is that actually your cute dog or did you borrow him for bait? (BTW, it's totally working).'
  • “Sorry, I’m looking for the exit, so we can go out?”
  • “If you could live in any sitcom, what sitcom would it be?”
  • “You’re putting together a mixtape for your crush, what’s your opener song?”
  • “I can tell a lot about a person from their favorite Disney movie. What’s yours?”
  • “Choose your own adventure: Brunch date, hiking date, or movie date?”

The goal is to kick off the convo with a line your match cannot refuse, and any of these dating app opening lines is sure to do that. By putting in the extra effort to say more than just a “hey,” you’ll start seeing those replies in no time.

Initiating conversation with a total stranger, or someone you barely know, can be tough—especially if you’re not used to encounters like this, or you consider yourself to be fairly quiet or introverted.

Whether you’re chatting with someone you’re interested in on a dating app or in real life, it’s so helpful to have some interesting conversation starters on hand ready to throw out there.

Not only does this help avoid awkward silences, but it also helps you get to know each other, and see whether you’re compatible or not—which is essential when it comes to dating.

Great conversation starters can lead to deeper, and more meaningful conversations, which means better dates, and stronger connections.

Here are 70 fun, and interesting conversation starters to get you off to a flying start:

1. What are your favorite things to do on weekends?

2. Who are three of the most important people in your life?

3. What is a skill you wish you had?

4. Do you find it easy to open up to people?

5. What are you passionate about in life?

6. What kind of friends did you have in secondary school/high school?

7. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

8. Are you good at keeping secrets?

9. What’s the most thoughtful thing someone has ever done for you?

10. What is your favorite type of food, and why?

11. What are three words that you’d use to best describe yourself?

12. What do you look for in a friendship?

13. If you could pursue any career, what would you choose to do?

14. What are you watching on Netflix right now?

15. Do you have any regrets in life?

16. How romantic are you on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being not romantic at all?

17. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

18. What is your favorite drink?

19. Where’s your favorite place that you’ve lived?

20. What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Best dating apps for girls

21. If you had three wishes in life, what would they be?

22. If Morpheus offered you the blue pill and the red pill, which one would you take?

23. Where is your favorite place in the world, and why?

24. What life accomplishment are you most proud of?

25. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

26. When something bad happens, who do you talk to first?

27. If you could any 3 people — past or present — to a dinner party, who would you invite?

28. If you had a theme song, what would it be?

Dating Apps For Girls

29. What would your perfect first date look like?

30. What is your spirit animal?

31. Do you prefer texting or speaking on the phone?

32. If someone cheated on you, what would you do?

33. What was your favorite class at school?

34. What was the best part of your day today?

35. What’s your favorite book, and why?

Best Dating Apps For Women

36. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date with you?

37. What would your signature dish be on Masterchef?

38. What is the worst pickup line you’ve heard?

Dating Apps For Girls

39. If you could only eat 5 things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

40. If you were on death row, what would you choose as your last meal on earth?

41. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

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42. Have you ever had a really awkward date?

43. What is your Myers Briggs type?

44. Do you believe in a higher power?

45. If you could stop time, what would you do?

46. Do you believe in marriage?

47. If you were given a lump sum of money to start a business, what kind of business would you start?

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48. What is your favorite animal?

49. You’re going to live on a desert island for 3 months — what 3 things would you bring with you?

Best Dating Apps For Girls 2020


50. If you could buy a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you choose?

51. What is your favorite way to stay healthy?

52. What is more important — doing what you love, or doing what you’re good at?

53. If you would time travel, where would you go?


54. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Best Dating Apps For Girls

55. If you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do?

56. What’s your favorite movie of all time, and why?

57. Tell me your biggest fear?

58. What did you want to be when you were a child?

59.. What is your family like?

60. Where do you want to travel to next?

61. What qualities do you look for in people you date?

62. Are you close to your family?

63. What has been the best year of your life so far?

64. What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?

65. What is a saying that you try to live by in life?

66. What is your favorite dessert?

67. Do you have any celebrity crushes?

68. Do you think aliens exist?

69. Do you believe in astrology?

70. Have you changed much over the past ten years?

Try some of these out next time you’re talking to someone you don’t know, and see where they take you!

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