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Best Okcupid Profile For Guys

Can we please see a successful male profile. Can we get a template? Yes guides can help, but I think what would really help is seeing a profile that actually works. If my theory is correct any sucsessful male profile involves the words 'Height 6'0' and Income 80k' those don't count. What Are The Best Online Dating Profile Tips For MenSome of the best online dating pr Read More What Is A Good Dating Profile Example For Men How I Revised A Guy's Dating Profile On OkCupid - And Made It Better!Are women ignori Read More. Can we please see a successful male profile. Can we get a template? Yes guides can help, but I think what would really help is seeing a profile that actually works. If my theory is correct any sucsessful male profile involves the words 'Height 6'0' and Income 80k' those don't count. . The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+., eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer free.

(Last Updated On: 08/04/2014)

Here is an example of a great okcupid profile written by a girl, which can be a useful inspiration for any guy or a woman who is working on making his/her profile more interesting and more compelling:

My self-summary:

  • went to philosophy school, and all i got was this lousy tautology.
  • Not so interested in small talk unless it’s cased in clever metaphor.
  • i mostly rely on gravitational pull to guide my relationships, and i fall on my face a lot as a result.
  • i touch people when i talk to them.
  • when it comes to men, i suck at following social convention and tend to do or say what i feel when i feel it. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. but it always intoxicates.
  • musical theatre makes me giddy.
  • i am perpetually awed and humbled by the incomprehensible wonder of science, wish i could have known carl sagan, and often daydream of how it will feel to finally witness the aurora borealis with my own eyes.
  • reading is terribly sexy; i consider trading favorite books foreplay.
  • i have an uncanny talent for finding others’ misplaced objects by running them through my brain’s extensive catalog of mental images; but i can’t remember people’s names for shit.
  • i care deeply for “the little things” and appreciate them daily.
  • i look at the “okcupid” logo and i read it as “okstupid” every. single. time. no doubt, Freud would have something to say about that.
  • i am not “cool” and have zero aspirations of appearing so. my eyes dance when i’m excited; i laugh when something is funny; and i enjoy giving sincere compliments freely. i suspect those who act aloof as a rule, are probably crying themselves to sleep at night.
  • my belief in a world of endless opportunity challenged the sincerity of my desire for true happiness, and they’ve been dueling for honor ever since.
  • my words are hard, but my smile is soft.

What I am doing with my life:

i think of fun ways to help brands get 392470219 likes on Facebook. hocking luxury cars and protein bars ain’t my life’s passion — it’s the strategy of it that draws me. storytelling. the reaching out to strangers and inviting them to reach back… but yo, that shit is stressful! and at least once a day, i think i should have been a park ranger. that is, my job takes up a lot of my time and energy. and because my type A is more like a C minus, it’s easy for me to eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or forget to have a social life. (part of the reason why i’m here. help?)

but i AM stealing spare moments to build something fun and exciting with a friend, on the side: a mobile game app (the new “rock climbing,” am i right?). it’s a pretty unique concept with lots of room to scale(…) most importantly, it’s a game that will help people help themselves.

Best Okcupid Profile For Guys On Instagram

i have aspirations of learning capoeira. my bike tires need air.

Obviously, what makes this profile so great is that it’s conveys wit, sense of humor, and eloquence of its writer. And above all, it’s very original and as far from being cliche as a profile can be. For more examples of great online dating profiles, please check out our “Powerful Online Dating Profiles” guide.

Looking for the best OkCupid profile examples you can use to get more likes?

We’ve put together OkCupid profile “About Me” examples for each of the 6 prompts OkCupid lets you choose from.

Try these ideas out and see which one is the best fit for your OkCupid profile!

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #1: My Self-summary

OkCupid’s first and most popular “About me” prompt is “My self-summary”. This OkCupid profile option is so general that it can feel daunting to come up with an original and interesting way to summarize yourself.

Our favorite go-to is to list three favorite things — foods, hobbies, movies — whatever you’re passionate about.

Limiting your list to three keeps your summary succinct and makes people interested in learning more about you instead of thinking they already have you figured out.


Jocelyn, 28
My self-summary

Bad horror movies, sour beer, running in Riverside Park

Peter, 30
My self-summary

Matcha addict, Minecraft architect, Michael Bay film critic

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #2: Favorite Thing

Unless you’re traveling, most people seeing your OkCupid profile probably live in the same area as you. So answering the “favorite thing about the place I live” prompt with something very general about your city, like “sunshine, mountains, the people” isn’t all that compelling.

OkCupid profiles that offer a very specific interesting fact or anecdote are much more likely to get a doubletake.


Renee, 24
Favorite thing about the place I live

I can get CBD tinctures for myself and my dog from at least 3 places on my block.

Stephen, 26
Favorite thing about the place I live

We have arguably the best Indian food in the state, nay, the west.

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #3: People Who Know Me…

Think of your OkCupid profile as your dating resume. Your relationship prospects don’t need to see a list of qualities you think you are (funny, warm, team player). Instead, let your personality speak for itself when you share things your friends would say about you.

We like this most likely/least likely template for answering the “most people that know me would say I’m…” prompt.


Lee, 23
Most people that know me would say I’m

most likely to find reasons to order takeout, least likely to cook

Casey, 22
Most people that know me would say I’m

Most likely to initiate game night, least likely to go to a football game

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #4: Favorite Childhood Memory

We’ve noticed most people tend to stick to the default “my self-summary” OkCupid profile prompt, so you’re more likely to stand out from the pack just by choosing the lesser-known “favorite memory from my childhood”.

Sharing a funny or wholesome memory strikes the perfect chord of intimate without being creepy, and will make people want to swipe right to learn more.


Jessica, 21
Favorite memory from my childhood

Eating Klondike bars for breakfast whenever we were on vacation

Mark, 26
Favorite memory from my childhood

Riding my bike from dawn til dusk every day during the summer without a care in the world.

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #5: Things I am not

Using emojis for the OkCupid profile prompt “Things I am not” is the perfect chance to reveal your sassy side.

Emojis can be interpreted in many different ways, so describing yourself with them in your OkCupid profile will lead to follow-up questions in your chat.


Gwen, 23
Things I am not

🎨, 🔮, 🍸, 💩

Best Okcupid Profile For Guys

Richard, 28
Things I am not

👽, 💀, 🏄, ☕

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #6: Haiku

Picking “Me, a Haiku” as your OkCupid profile prompt is bold, bound to impress, and easier than you think!

Best Okcupid Profile For Guys

Just decide what 3 attributes or hobbies you’d most want to include in your profile and play around with them to fit the 5/7/5 syllable format.


Kennedy, 29
Me, a Haiku

Yoga instructor.
Animal rights activist.
Macrame dabbler.

Jason, 33
Me, a Haiku

Game of Thrones critic.
Sky diving is my passion.
Caffeine fuels my life.

NOTE: Even the most 🔥🔥🔥 OkCupid profile can’t make up for bad pics…


If your pics are blah, it’s game over.

People only even read a person’s OkCupid profile after already liking their pics.

The best solution out there: test your pics on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how your OkCupid photos are coming across to women or men.

Okcupid Public Profile

Go to now and give it a try!